
And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.

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“Has LJMI been a blessing to me?”​

LJMI loves the body of Christ and works tirelessly to prepare her for the Advent of the Messiah. I have been blessed to be part of this ministry for over a year now and have gained much insight into what the Lord expects of us as we occupy the land. Dr. Irobi is a strong exhorter in the faith always encouraging us to utilize our gifts, talents, and treasures to expand the Kingdom of God. He tackles the hard topics with grace and truth such as: What does holy living look like for us as modern-day priests. He goes beyond the milk of scripture acclimating us to embracing the meat of Christian life “narrow path training”. I have benefited from his friendship, sound biblical teaching and powerful prayers. We are a family here from different backgrounds growing together in fellowship and one purpose -to be ready to usher in the Messiah and bring as many saints as we can with us. LJMI is a five star ministry.


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There are competent & Spirit filled Counsellors, Pastors & Ministers willing to speak with you at any time. Don’t keep it all in, speak to someone now.